Sunday, April 10, 2011

Finally Harsud

The Planning

I have wanted to go to Harsud for a long time. Couple of reasons. There was a lot of hue and cry when it was getting submerged few years back, around seven, and the fact that a new city was manufactured called new Harsud and people forced to believe that this is their old Harsud. Divided into sectors, very well organised etc. I wanted to see how people have taken to this form of staying in a manufactured city.

I was assuming that Harsud as it did in the past does not exist anymore as it has been completely submerged by water. This was an assumption which got busted in due course.

The other reason is my belief in the Arundhati Roy school of inquisition, where you your self go and see things as they are for yourself, rather than read or see some journalists presentations of the facts. In short, I call this method as : Go to the source.

And I had seen this reservoir, Indira Sagar on Google maps and  wanted to go and see it. Since this is a reservoir, there should at least be one damn somewhere around it. And my vague idea was that I wanted to see it.

Broadly if I were to structure my thoughts, I would say I am interested in huge infrastructure projects like Dams and its effects like resettlement. I have not go much into environmental effects and other ecological changes caused by dams.

This was a whim like a thousands I hold, but firmly believe in taking them seriously. So Harsud was in the background. And I also happened to be reading this book , The river and Life by Sanjay Sangavi, which talks about some NGO type conference which happened in Harshud in late 80's. This brought Harsud back on top of my mind and somebody told me that Monday was off.

I joined both these and figured why not use the long weekend and see Harsud, so what if there is a world cup final on Saturday.So this plan was made thought on a Thursday and executed on Friday evening, when I barely got out my bosses clutches to hang on to a Punjab mail, that evening leaving for khirkiya.

P.s. Someday when I start taking my writing more seriously, i will try to edit out the crutches of "And", "That" and "So" from my writing.


Witness said...

And how was it?

Anonymous said...

you might also want to look into punctuation and grammar. Or may be just proof reading.

Take a Hike said...


and miles to sleep before i start...:)

King said...

Good way to spend a long weekend.....

You cant plan outing's.....just do it is the motto there...:)

Take a Hike said...

Thx..King ke baccche.
