Friday, September 01, 2006


1.The sensation caused by heat energy
2.A warmhearted feeling
3.The quality of having a moderate degree of heat
4.The trait of being intensely emotional
5.A quality proceeding from feelings of affection or love

I am roughly referring to Number 5.
A feeling , with the use of which a human being keeps
his contact with his fellow beings on an
acceptable level. I am not talking of love in the
brow beaten way, more like affection.

In any relationship a degree of warmth is essential.
The realisation of which is often expected , and
the gratification of the same is pleasantly accepted.

To give an example, if a person (say A ) is in the habbit
of feeling lonely, and when expressed this explicitly
or implicitly , B , Hugs A, Always.

The gender of A and B can be anything.Hug is a statement
of expression of warmth.
Other examples of warmth can be: a frequent conversation,
normal coffee table chat, wassup, going out together,
Empathising, sympathising etc.

Now, what if a person doesn't feel the presence
of warmth within him. It just cold out there,
a leaden heart. What would he/she(say C) do.

Usually this coldness is expressed in a form of
indifference and a complete failure to emote
on the input of the other person's statement.

Suppose now again that C has realisd that he/she
is a pretty cold person, and the civilisation
would have prefferd it to be the other way.
Now C tries to feel what people say, sometimes trying to
emote things he has never felt within himself.

Should he be commended or rejected .Labelled,
an Hypocrite.(A person who professes beliefs and opinions
that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his
or her real feelings or motives). Is hypocrite such a
derogatory word!

Ladies and Gentleman,
Does society accept C?
Does C need an acceptance?
What is acceptance?

It's not for me to answer these questions.

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