The previous post sucked.It really did.(about woman, not mid term, i changed my clock settings from US to here, so technically Random is been shown as latest,
while the latest actually is Midterm)
I knew it when i was composing it, but wrote it anyway.
I'm sorry.To myself .For writing it.
Life's a bore.
I've been sleeping for most of the day.
Did i ever wonder how many types of sleep, their were.
The best is which you get the fastest and usually the input is
lack or absence of sleep the previous night.
The worst is , when you want to sleep, because you don't want to do anything.
The problem is ,there are things to be done, a road to be walked.
But you chose, at the moment ,to just , do nothing.
Somewhere in middle is the one where you keep poping in and out of conciousness.
It happens when the body says it's morning and you better wake up,
but your heart says what's the point in waking up,When you have nothing to do.
You keep popping out and look into your mobile to see , what's the time.
Usually this happens till 1:30 in the afternoon.
Then you get ready and go to the canteen to find that the raita(today's speciality) has been finished.
No ,i don't use curse words that often.I blissfully have my roties
pitying the others who just have bread slices left fot them.
I used italics for finished because
1. Perhaps the usage is wrong. (So is perhaps at the beginning of this Line)
2. The alternative meaning(heard of something called pun?)
it serves is funny in my crooked world.
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