Tuesday, May 01, 2007

On A Glider.

There was this afternoon when i was with a couple of friends, and i suddenly felt as if i wasn't there.Then there was this party we had, to celebrate another friend's birthday ,where people were discussing mosad ,munich etc. People know so much these days. A dude was quoted from world war 2 (people actually remembered that dude's name) who said something on israel and land for Jews etc. I was actually sitting somewhere in the middle and my appearance was that of a tennis spectator perpendicular to the direction of the court or ball-movement in a normal course of play. Looking at dudes here ,then there,then again here. Not a word came out of mouth. At some schools they talk about this concept of Class Participation. Its primary objective,my belief ,was to tell the world that you live on.

I would have loved to be on a glider. Flying it or as a passenger. A participating passenger.

Otherwise i have been on higher places. The hill top in my mom's village, the water tank top where i live these days, temporarily,in between two lakes. BTW i realized the other day, a lake when viewed from ground level does not give you an exact measure of its entire cover, but when viewed from my terrace top, technically an auxiliary top view, the picture ,technically an inverted image on my retina, is completely different.

I shall have my vengeance on this world. Even i do know a few things. But more than that , what i value are little observations like the one above.

Continuing the glider ride,on a completely unrelated note, Shantaram turned out to be surprisingly interesting even after having just read the first 200 pages and the last chapter.

Right now my options are.

1. Read Shantaram
2. Watch Enemy at the gates
3.Watch Clockwork Orange
4.Doze off.
5.Read yesterday's newspapers

Bang in the middle of the week i have 2 off's, coutesy the dude who coined the word Labour and someone else who chose to celebrate it tomorrow. And Budh poornima. When having to think of it ,i now realise ,i don't have an iota of an idea , whom to thank for that. Buddha, Moon god or the dudette poornima. I will generally thank mankind, harappa and mohan jo daro( It's ok, if it is in Pakistan today),Indus and someone in my company who decided that we shall have an off on this day.Indus, for flowing. They say civilizations initially came up near rivers and fishes were one of the early living things, after unicellular organisms.

Ans so i might end up exhausting all the 5 options and still end up with ample time and nothing to do. And then I will blog again.

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